Beat the Christmas rush!  Evaluations are FREE  at CoolCar NORTH SHORE—making it easier for you to get in, get sorted, and GET COOL before the holidays. Don't wait—book your spot now! 

Blowing But Not Cold?

This is the most common complaint we hear about car air-conditioning systems. Usually this is a result of a loss of refrigerant. If you re-gas  your car without fixing the fault the new refrigerant will continue to leak out of the car causing further damage to your car air-conditioning system resulting in more expensive repairs and polluting the environment. 

We can repair your car Air-Conditioning system

At CoolCar air-conditioning we will evaluate your cars air-conditioning system and advise you as to what is wrong with your car air-conditioning and what it will take to repair. 

What do we do in an evaluation?

During the evaluation we will comprehensively check over your entire air-conditioning system. A visual inspection for damage or leaks. Where possible we will add a diagnostic charge of refrigerant and test the performance of the air-conditioning system. If the air-conditioning is leaking we will use a special gas to detect the leak.

What does it cost?

The evaluation takes about 30 minutes and costs $120. If your car has a slow leak we may want to keep your car overnight. We have courtesy cars for your convenience.  

Book an evaluation now

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